A collection of all my blog posts (not by any particular category or order). If you’re looking for something specific then check out my posts on Photography, Travel Guides, and Unity Tutorials.
Fall Update
It’s been a while since my last update so I just wanted to share a little update. It’s been quite hectic and busy lately, with the launch of Stone Age, work on my new project (to be shared later), and of course the peak of Fall. I’ve been trying to…
Stone Age Launch
Stone Age is finally here! I’m excited to share this news and hope that it’s enjoyable for all. Stone Age is a easy to play endless survival game that puts your rock hurling skills to the test. The controls are easy to learn but only the most accurate of rock…
Google Play Services Tutorial For Unity
Recently I have been putting the finishing touches on my next game and naturally that includes implementing Google Play Services into the app. Achievements, leaderboards, and other stats are a great way to keep your players engaged in the game and to keep things interesting. Luckily the process is pretty…
Unity Cooldown Timer Tutorial
Cooldown timers are a critical part of most games. It can be used to track a cooldown or a monster spawner. A player casts a spell. He shouldn’t be able to cast it again right away, so a countdown is started and when it hits zero, the player can cast…
A Simple Dialog Quest System For Unity
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple and extensible dialog quest system for Unity. We will also create a simple dialog box UI to display the quest to the player. The system will use XML files to store dialog data and allow for different dialogs to…
Creating A Pause In Unity
Creating a pause function in Unity is veryeasy to implement. It only takes a few simple lines of code yet it’s a commonly asked question, so I’ll show you a quick and easy way to implement pausing of your game in Unity. Time.timeScale = 0f; Time.timeScale is the scale of…
Rover Launch!
It’s ready, it’s finally here! Rover has been launched and it’s ready for your enjoyment! Rover is a simple yet challenging puzzle game I’ve been working on over the last couple months with Lumis Entertainment. Get the little red guy to the center of the platform while enlisting the help…
Finding Tradition in Hong Kong
While bright lights, towering skyscrapers, and a glitzy skyline often comes to mind when thinking about Hong Kong, hidden among the modern marvels of steel, concrete, and glass, and over 7 million residents are more traditional and historic treasures. If you know where to look. Lamma Island Also known as…
Mid-Winter Update
Having recently returned from Germany, I’ve finally had the time to sit down and provide a little update as to what’s going on moving forward. It’s been a exciting past 8 months. Looking back it seems like it’s only been a few days, but fast forward and I find myself…
Welcome! I love to travel and I love to take photos. Here I hope to be able to show you our world, through my lens. Hopefully this is the first of many posts. Thanks for visiting!